Preaching the Gospel

Helping the poor




Gateway to Hope operates the Rasa Family Centre, a place of love and healing for abused and abandoned women and children.



Grateful for Friends and Family

Sunday, December 17, 2017

2017 has been the most difficult year for us in Romania.  We are so grateful for all our friends and family - we have been so blessed by your prayers, love, and support!  And through it all, we count ourselves so privileged to be serving the people of Romania and we are excited to see what the Lord will do in 2018!

In Romania we’ve seen what happens to orphans and widows who have not been taken care of.  Being an orphan or widow in this world leaves people feeling very vulnerable.  So, we go to people and we help them during those difficult times.  It has nothing to do with us giving to people what is deserved or what is earned, it is giving to people what is needed in their time of need – when they are most vulnerable.  And that looks a lot like what God has done for us.  

“…While we were weak, at just the right time, Christ died for the ungodly…God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us…” 

At Gateway to Hope, we specifically align our work towards those who are vulnerable, who have a very real need - building and repairing homes, providing food and firewood, providing work and building a safe home for women and children in crisis.  When you support us personally and Gateway to Hope financially, that’s what happens, that’s who gets helped.

But we don’t just take care of the temporary, we point to the eternal.  We tell people they have value - not because of anything they have done, or who their parents are, or how rich or poor they are.  They have value because Jesus made them, and He loves them.

This is our philosophy at Gateway to Hope – we point to the eternal while taking care of the temporary.  Why?  Because it matters. Because that is what Jesus has done for us.  This is what being rich toward God looks like.  It is using our life for the things that God says matters most and that’s simply 2 things: “…Love the Lord your God" and  "Love your neighbor as yourself…"

We still believe Christians can change the world. We must act with humility, with sacrifice, with love in action, serving one person at a time.  We need your prayers and financial support as we invest in the next generation, starting with holding abandoned babies in the hospital, protecting mothers and children at the Rasa Family Center, and serving the elderly.

THANK YOU for being a partner with us in this ministry!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Reinhard & Darcey Neufeld

Rasa, Romania