A Holy Mess

Saturday, January 26, 2019

My normally tidy dining room is a mess.  My sewing machine is sitting at the end of the dining table surrounded by odds and ends of fabric scraps, a stack of denim salvaged from worn out jeans, a stack of worn out towels, a stack of preshrunk flannel, and this and that.  It’s a holy mess.  This is what Micah 6:2 looks like for me today.  To act justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly with God right now is to sew bibs and receiving blankets.  These are gifts for the ministry of Gateway to Hope to new mothers and the orphans living at the Rasa Family Centre.

God invites us to collaborate in building His kingdom.  It is a privilege He grants us, an opportunity to bless others and He surprises us with joy when we are obedient.

Sigi Hiebert,

January 26, 2019

The Church at Pine Ridge was invited to contribute to the needs of babies and new mothers under the ministry of Gateway to Hope.  One full suitcase of blankets, bibs, newborn sleepers, and onesies was delivered by volunteers in February, 2019.